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Arsenic is Poisonous To Pets

Name: Arsenic

Toxin: Arsenic

Symptoms: Stomach and intestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, skin pattern changes, blood vessel damage, impaired nerve function, heart arrhythmia, if inhaled- irritated throat and lungs, skin changes, circulatory problems, and nervous system disorders.

Additional Information: Arsenic has been used as a poison for centuries with death a possibility from as little as 1 to 25 mg per kilogram of body weight. Arsenic is classified as a heavy metal just like lead and mercury, and goes to work attacking the body's energy production mechanisms, more specifically, the mitochondria, the tiny power generators of cells. Every cell in the body is affected by exposure to arsenic, and as such every system in the body will be damaged to include, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, etc

Pets can come into contact with Arsenic through chewing on pressure treated wood, some types of insulation, or by ingesting ant/roach baits or other herbicides.

First Aid: If ingested induce vomiting and use activated charcoal slurry, Seek Veterinary Attention.


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