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Iron is Poisonous To Pets

Name: Iron

Toxin: Iron

Symptoms: Severe nausea, vomiting with or without blood, diarrhea, shock, severe blood chemistry imbalance, dark urine, seizure, coma and death.

Additional Information: Once an excess of iron has been ingested, the body has no natural means by which it can get rid of it so it will continue to store it, as it would iron ingested naturally through diet. The cells of the liver and other vital organs will be the most affected as they will begin to store this excess iron intake. Iron also exhibits corrosive properties on the stomach and Gastro Intestinal Tract creating an easy route for abortion into the body, where it will begin circulation through the blood stream.

This is another instance in which it is imperative that you pet proof the environment, as there are a numerous ways for your dog to ingest iron such as chewing on and ingesting human nutritional supplements containing iron, or plant fertilizers.

Symptoms of Iron ingestion may appear as soon as 20 minutes after ingestion with the health of the animal decreasing rapidly until death. It is imperative to seek immediate emergency veterinary assistance as delaying treatment can cause permanent damage to the liver, kidneys, and brain.

First Aid: Induce vomiting and give Milk of Magnesia to bond with the iron reducing absorption into the body. Egg, water, or milk may also be given. Seek veterinary attention. (Activated charcoal will not bind with iron.)



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