Poison Plants For Pet Symbol

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Glory Lily Is Poisonous To Pets

Plant Name: 
Glory Lily
Scientific Name: 
Poisoning Symptoms: 
Irritation of the mouth and throat, abdominal pain, vomit with or without blood, diarrhea, shock, multiple organ damage, bone marrow suppression.
Additional Information: 
The primary toxin responsible for poisoning is Colchicine a highly poisonous compound originally used to treat gout, it was also prescribed for its ability speed defecation as well as induce vomiting. The poison alkaloid colchicine primarily acts to disrupt cellular reproduction by blocking cell growth and by stopping cell division.
First Aid: 
Induce Vomiting followed by activated charcoal. Treatment will generally consist of introducing Cathartics to increase defecation and the speed at which the remaining plant product can leave the body and administering fluids to maintain blood pressure and hydration, while monitoring the urine for signs of kidney failure. Seek Emergency Veterinary Assistance
Species Affected: 
Toxic To Dogs
Toxic To Cats
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